
Voting is over. Now my letterbox and evening television watching hours can remain untainted by the misery and unadulterated muck-raking that is political advertising.

Oh, and the best bit? Putting an 11 in the little green box next to the Fred Nile Group.


Mousicles said...

11. Wow. We only had five. But I gave that 5 to Fred.

Toasty said...

I second the wow!

Wenchilada said...

You thought the advertising was bad? Two words - hung parliament.

worldpeace and a speedboat said...

at least it's interesting, Wenchi. I'm really enjoying watching/listening to the Indies and the Green speak about their positions. who knows, this could be a really invigorating time. or we'll end up back at the polls within a year... but I suspect if the Indies/Green really mean what they say, it'll be the major parties faults if we do have a re-election.