Wanna go to England!

It seems that right now is a very good time to go to England. The GBP will currently cost $1.92AUD.

Oh My God!

I can never remember it being less than $2 before (I'm sure that it has, I just can't remember it).

Wanna go now!


GB said...

Don't tempt me, Frodo!

That was not a commentary on your height or hirsute-ness. Because you aren't excessively short nor are you hairy.

It was a silly attempt to throw in a random movie reference.

God, just take me England already!

Krin said...

Come visit!
Come visit!
Come visit!
Come visit!


Also, I really need to move my inheritance over.

Hunydd said...

Much as I would lurve to go just about anywhere, I have a nasty suspicion that Rusty will say "You haven't worked for nearly 6 months, you cheap freeloader! Get a job!"

He's mean and nasty and we hates him, but he's probably right. Even if he has no sense of adventure and is completely failing to keep me in a manner to which I am beginning to become accostomed.

Bah. Husbands, can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em, since they introduced that pesky law that says you can't profit from a crime...

Caity J said...

Is it rubbing salt into the wound to say we are off in a week? Well, you asked...
Flying into Edinburgh then to Glasgow by train to stay with friends. Fly out of London 2 weeks later to Canada to bond with the nieces.

Now is your chance to nominate loot!

spyder said...

what are ya waiting for? A diamond studded gold plated invite in your wheaties packet?
Go already!