Back in 2003, a bardic competition was being run for Spring War - a patriotic piece about your Barony or Canton (or Kingdom!). Points would be deducted for gratuitous overuse of the word "mighty". Needless to say, this provided all the inspiration I needed to aim for minimum points. The poem kept evolving, but this is probably it at it's best. I thought I would preserve it here, so that I don't lose it. It's awfully silly, but is still worth preserving...
Mighty are the men from Stowe
by Hunydd
Mighty are the men from Stowe
In mighty chests pride mightily grows
Mighty are the things they wear
from mighty foot to mighty hair
Mighty are the things they know
from mighty head to mighty toe
Mighty are the men from Stowe
Mighty men in mighty hose
Mighty are the things they eat
mighty plates of mighty meat
Mighty are the things they say
"I was most mighty, the other day"
Mighty are the men from Stowe
With mighty ears and mighty nose
Mighty are their women folk
with mighty laughs at mighty jokes
Yes, mighty are these women, too
with all the mighty things they do
Mighty are the men from Stowe
and mighty are the girls they know
To mighty Torg, a toast with mead
and mighty Alfar, a friend indeed
These mighty knights we aim to please
and mighty Corin, Mightecles!
Mighty are the men from Stowe
And mighty are the knights they know
Mighty are our fighters all
mighty broad and mighty tall
Mighty heavies, mighty lights
mighty men in mighty tights
Mighty are the men from Stowe
putting on a mighty show
Mighty archers heft their bows
Fire mighty rains of mighty arrows
Mighty men with rapier foils
to mighty Stowe are mighty loyal
Mighty are the men from Stowe
(place mighty bets, win mighty dough)
With mighty swords to cleave the helmets
of mighty opponents who are well met
on mighty list fields at mighty tourneys
(making many a maiden mighty horny)
Mighty are the men from Stowe
with mighty manhoods down below
Mightily they march to battle
with mighty foes to test their mettle
Each mighty foeman met with ease
force mighty foes to mighty knees
Mighty are the men from Stowe
to mighty knees they force their foes
Mighty are the songs they sing
of mighty war and mighty things
mighty are the beers they brew
in mighty mugs for me and you
Mighty are the men from Stowe
and mighty beers wet mighty throats
Here concludes my mighty tale
of mighty men and mighty ale
of mighty women and mighty war
and mighty things we're fighting for
Mighty are the men of Stowe
But I'm mighty tired now, and I'm going to go.
Turkish Pide
Love me a good Turkish pide. This (
one I tried at...
5 years ago